Monday, March 9, 2009

Ahmed Disability

Not everybody is born with a difference in their life that would effect how they move around, or think, or even talk. There shouldn't be hate across the world from people because they're disabled in any sort of way,they're no different from anyone else or yourself.

There are a lot of hateful words that could hurt anybody's feelings, one that i've heard used in a bad way is ,"cripple". Usually meaning they're disable like they can't walk. Even though someone isn't capable of acheiving what others can do, there's no need to put them down in some way where it makes yourself feel much better that you are not like them. All thats going to come from is that he'll start hating himself, thinking he's some kind of alien, and just gives up at a point.

But through all these dreadful words, no one should ever believe or listen to what others say, unless its an encouragement of some sort. You should be confident and believe in yourself, and how would you feel yourself if people were pointing and laughing at you. Everyone of your friends should be helping and supporting eachother all the way through life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Case Study: Ahmed Disability

Ahmed's disability is nothing to make fun of. Even if he is slow in doing things that other students are doing, he is still trying and I feel he needs help. I don't think the people that bullied him didn't have an understanding of how hard it was to work as quickly as the others. They are not showing respect for Ahmed and making him feel bad. I would say the equity shown here is discrimination and prejudice against handicap and disabled people.

The friend should not be putting down Ahmed for his disability. They should of encouraged him more, he would have had more confident in himself. Discrimination against disabled and handicapped people is a very serious issue. There are still some disabled people who can do the same as what regular people can do, even more. Most people in the world don't discriminate handicap or disabled people as much, because they now there situation and they know they can't do some things like they can do in life.

I think a way of helping Ahmed be a more confident person of himself is buy encouraging him alot. I would encourage him as much as I can and tell him not everyone is perfect and everbody is born with a problem, even the richest guy in the world. His classmates should encourage him to do really good and be with him when he is in aide. Also I would tell the class that if they were in this situation they would feel bad too. So I guess i will encourage him really well and make his classmated do the same thing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't DiScRiMiNaTe- Case Study # 4

In my opinion the main character trait lacking or missing would be kindness and caring, iIalso think the main equity issue is that the students not being very open minded.

The reason I think the main character trait lacking or missing is kindness and caring because if the student had kindness and caring because if the students had cared about the girls he called "dykes" and the boy he called a "pussy" and "bitch". The student would not have called them names and would have been nice about it. The equity issue is that hes judging the people by what appears to him but not by what is true. he is being unfair because everyone deserves to listen to the music they choose and walk with the people they choose to walk with without being discriminated and judged; the student was not open minded.

In conclusion, I think the main character trait lacking or missing is kindness and caring and the main equity issue was that the students were not open minded and were unfair which led to discrimination.

case study # 3

I believe that the Guidance Counselor is being sexist because he's making a remark on how a job is "tough for a woman". There is no such gender which is superior from each other! Each and every man should have equal rights and should not go through sexism. These genders are no different from each other. They both have the same intellect and the same form. It just depends on how they use it. This has always been a major issue for people, especially women. An example in society is that children learn from their parents and the society that what conception of "feminine" and "masculine" is. Wheather it is from football to fashion. People have always differenciate from males to females. A common phrase used in society is "boys will be boys" or "That's my boy!" Wheather you know it or not know it, this is called sexism! Some people, especially men, believe that women can not achieve high-standard jobs or goals in the society. This is not true! An example of a person who has gone true sexism is Riane Eisler (I got this from the news). She said "we have a cultural bias that we bring to the effort and that colors our decision-making processes."Sexism is the result of that bias imposed by our process of acculturation. This means that when Riane got into a biaas situation, in her career life, the comments did not stop her to try achieving her goal. In this centuary, a lot of women have been proved to be more successful than men.

The types of character traits which have been missing in this situation, for the guidence counselor is that he is narrow-minded because he believes that men are supirior than women, therfore, they can achieve more in life. He is also missing respect because he is not respecting the students decision to be a doctor and he is questioning on her hardwork. Instead, he is being biased and telling her that she should "take an easier field." He also lacks responsibility because he is not doing his job being a "Guidence Counselor" and is not encouraging the student to go for it! And he isn't telling her that she is a hardworker. He is just adding his own personal assumpions in this situation. Therefore, this would have a huge impact in the students life and other womens lives because of his rude behaviour and assumptions.

In conclusion, women and men have the same standards and can achieve anything in life no matter who thinks what about it. There is no sex which is supirior than the other. Both are treated equally. If someone treats another person differently, it might be based on the way they think, not on their sex. Therefore, if the student had felt offended, she could have gotten herself another guidence counselor or she could have just gone with her decision in being a doctor and achieving her goal. Also, when she achieves her goal, she can help other women who have been offended by sexism to believe in themselves and help them know that every sex is equally treated and that they shouldn't think about what others make assumptions of.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ahmed's Disabiltiy

When the peers of Ahmed heard about his disability, they have been rude and disrespectful.

They think that since he has a disability that he is different from them or retarded, but there only being prejudice and saying that if you have a disability your stupid, and cannot do the same things that they can. Which is very wrong.

The person who insulted Ahmed could of easily offended his friend, who could of have a relative or have a friend who has a disability. What if that person's reaction was anger, a conflict could of started with the friend who insulted Ahmed. The student should of chose his words more wisely, because what he said was wrong and would hurt Ahmed feelings if he heard it. He should be ashamed of himself discriminating on Ahmed just because he has a disability.

If someone could of just stand up for Ahmed and tell the person it is not cool what you just said and that it is offensive, maybe he would of been sorry for what he said. Some people even say that Albert Einstein had dyslexia and he turned out to be a genius.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gls Assignment- Case Study 4.

         In my opinion, the main character trait lacking in the student of this case study was respect. I believe the student was lacking respect because if you truly have respect for other people you wouldn't call them vulgar, disrespectful names and make assumptions about them. The student that made fun of a classmate and the two women probably  made the classmate upset about his choice in music, and made  the women embarrassed or angry.

The main area of equity that is being addressed  in this case study is sexual orientation. The student made assumptions  that, because his classmates taste in music was considered "girly" or "un-manly" in his opinion, that he was gay. The student also assumed that because the two women were together, that they were "dykes". When  people see a male doing something feminine  he is seen as gay and if a female does something masculine she is seen as a "dyke".

A positive outcome for this case study would be if someone went to a teacher/principal and explained the student's actions and have the school address the differences in society. the responsibility of the school is to teach the students  to be respectful ambassadors for their school when they go off school property. If their teacher would have explained the expectations of the students it might have prevented the student's behaviour. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ever since Ahmed got these disabilities everyone one is treating him different not in a good way but a bad way. Everyone thinks that Ahmed is a retard and no one wants to work with him or even help him any assignment thinking its a waste of there time. His other problem is his teacher she puts to much pressure on him, making his assignments due early and not giving him any extra time to finish his work even when she knows Ahmed his much slower than the others.

Everyone is treating Ahmed like he is a big dumb ass, loser who can never learn anything, and wont get any where with his life just because he has a disability. That stuff is never true I mean are you like f***** up in the head, what right do you have to say stuff like that about him, he's just a human being like us no more no less, there is nothing he doesn't have that we do. Ahmed probably had a lot of friends before he got these disabilities, and right when he got them they all despaired. I mean holy s*** you don't be friends with people for what they can do, its whats inside that person which makes you want to be there friend, who give a dam on how someone looks, and if your a true friend your would stick with your friend no matter what happens to him I mean that's what friends are for.

If someone can just be a true friend to Ahmed I'd bet that he be one of the smartest students in the class. Ahmed has lost so much self confidence that his mind isn't willing to participate with him. If Ahmed just had one friend he'd be like a new person, he would probably forget about his disability and would know that he has a friend to back him up in anything. Who every thinks that's this is funny, just shut up because you could be next and who knows even I could be next, the main point of this is don't treat anyone differently just because they have a disability, god dammit why is that so hard to understand.


Case Study #4

The key equity problem for #4 would be sexual orientation because one student said to another student that he was listening to "faggy" music and he also yelled "dykes" at two poor innocent women walking down the street which is so immature, kid should learn some manors.Other kids would probably start teasing him and might call him other names then "bitch" and "pussy" as the bully did. The bully after hurting that kids feelings later on called 2 women dykes and got away with it. The two women would be offended and would feel uncomfortable while the bully thinks he's a badass and mr funny man.

Everybody has a different taste and has their opinion. What is faggy to one kid might be totally dope too another, and even if the music is faggy is there somthing wrong with being faggy?He should get in trouble but you shouldn't make it obvious to everyone that your telling on him but if you do it in private with the teacher nobody should know except you and your teacher so there would be no revenge directed towards the "snitch".

After the bully called the kids music faggy another kid could of easily said somthing like "that song rocks" or somthing to help defend the kid and later on after the bully yells at the 2 ladies a student tells the teacher what happened and he gets in trouble or somthing. Just depends if sombody is big enough to stand up and help the kid listening to music that he likes because of no one defends him then it will continue. It all comes down to respect and if sombody can stand up.

Case study 5.

Ahmeds Disability

There was know reason for people to make fun of Ahmed's disability. People don't know how he feels, he is exactly the same as others but he just works a lot slower. They don't know how it feels for Ahmed to work as quickly as others. I think the main equity is people being prejudice to disabled people. People think just because you have some disposable you can't do anything. But there is things that they can't do. But there is a lot of things they can do if they can walk, hear, look, smell, and much much more.

People have different ways of treating disabled people. Most caring people would look at Ahmed and help him out. For those other stupid people that don't care about anyone exempt there self's they would bully Ahmed and make fun of his disable. Ahmed's friend shouldn't have made fun of him. He should of helped him do his work or even give him some advice. But I don't think anyone theses days would tease or make fun of someone with disputably because people understand what they are going threw. Even if people made fun of anyone with disputably people would find out very fast and they would get in trouble in a sec.

If someone helps, or encourages Ahmed he would get threw his work much faster. Ahmed wouldn't be thinking of what people are saying because know one will be talking about him. If people suggested things he would be happy that people are trying to help. I think Ahmed would do better if he had a buddie with him that can help him anytime, anywhere, at any place. If there were more people supporting him, the guy that was bulling him would stop and I don't think anyone would treat him like the boy did with Ahmed.

Case Study #3

This male guidance counselor is being sexist, he is telling the female that she would not be able to do well working as a doctor. He is implying that men are more hard working then women are and that they would have a better chance in succeeding in the field of medicine.

This would impact many women, because as a professional man, you would think that he would know about working hard, and his comments might bring down another woman's self esteem, making her think that she would not make it into the career she is working hard for. When he made the remark about medicine being a tough field for women, many women would feel deeply offended especially since they've already been working hard to reach their goal.

An individual can complain to the school board and tell them the problem, and the school could speak to the guidance counselor, about the problem with being sexist to women.

Yes, this incident could be prevented. If the ones being targeted to not feel offended, and just go with what they believe is right, and are not put down because of what anyone says about their gender. You could also speak to some other person, who is not sexist. In this case, the young woman could have made another appointment with another guidance counselor who could have helped them for the future, instead of judging their abilities.

Stand up! (case study 5)

The equity problem is classism, when there are people discriminating because of what their socioeconomic class is. This is a problem because no one should be left out for how much money they have in general or how their clothes look, it just not right. In my case study, a girl said that she wasn't surprised that another wasn't going to semi formal because that girl's clothes were"welfare clothes." The girl thought that since her clothes looked cheap, that she couldn't afford to go to semi.

There was an impact on me because i felt that i needed to do something about what the other girl said.The ither students that heard this girl say thhis should of felt a need to do something even when they didn't.

The things someone or I would to would go talk to that girl and find out the real reason she is not going, I would see if there were ways of helping her go if money was the issue. As a school, I would go to the principal and ask if there is any way of lowering the price. It would be helping her and alot of kids out. If not, we as a school can have a fundraiser for student who can't afford to go to semi.

When there are situations like this one, students can go to guidance and talk to someone there about it. You can talk to someone close to you. Talk to anyone you feel comfortable with.

I don't think that this incident couldn't have been avoided because either way the girl would of found out sooner or later and the girl would of assumed anyway. it was just the case of when it was going to happen.

So in conclusion, treating someone a certain way because they have a flaw is not right because you never know when it could happen to you and it would make you feel as bad as they did.

Ahmed's Disability

I think that Ahmed is being treated very poorly because of his disability. He does have feelings and what peoople are saying to him and how people are treating him are probably making him upset. I think the main equity problem is people being prejudice against people with disabilities. This is a problem because some people think that just because they do have mental issues, they treat them like they don't understand english or like they can't hear. Sometimes they trat them the way they do because they figure that they can't do anything about it.

Different people have differen't ways of reacting to this. Some people may feel sympathy for him and try to do something about it. Others might join the person that is making fun of him and won't care about how Ahmed feels about them "bagging" on him. At an individual level, someone can help by confronting the bully or the person who started this. At a school level we could try to raise money to put and start a program to help people with disabilities. They could be able to talk about their problems or if they need help with the work they get in class like Ahmed, a teacher can help him with it. Ahmed can go to a guidence counsell0r for help or go to the principal to tell the person that the teacher is not giving him enough time to get stuff done.

I think that this situation can be prevented. We can make this happen by making the new program for people with disabilities like I mentioned. People that have heard what was happened can tell a teacher who is saying what and make sure that they never do it again.

If I were Ahmed, I would go to guidence and tell them what's going on. If I knew what my friend were saying about Ahmed, I would try to talk to him and tell him that what he's saying isn't right and to apologize. About the teacher, I would talk to them and explain that Ahmed isn't like the rest of us and that he needs time to get stuff done. Hopefully, people will listen to me and realize that being prjudced is wrong.