Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stand up! (case study 5)

The equity problem is classism, when there are people discriminating because of what their socioeconomic class is. This is a problem because no one should be left out for how much money they have in general or how their clothes look, it just not right. In my case study, a girl said that she wasn't surprised that another wasn't going to semi formal because that girl's clothes were"welfare clothes." The girl thought that since her clothes looked cheap, that she couldn't afford to go to semi.

There was an impact on me because i felt that i needed to do something about what the other girl said.The ither students that heard this girl say thhis should of felt a need to do something even when they didn't.

The things someone or I would to would go talk to that girl and find out the real reason she is not going, I would see if there were ways of helping her go if money was the issue. As a school, I would go to the principal and ask if there is any way of lowering the price. It would be helping her and alot of kids out. If not, we as a school can have a fundraiser for student who can't afford to go to semi.

When there are situations like this one, students can go to guidance and talk to someone there about it. You can talk to someone close to you. Talk to anyone you feel comfortable with.

I don't think that this incident couldn't have been avoided because either way the girl would of found out sooner or later and the girl would of assumed anyway. it was just the case of when it was going to happen.

So in conclusion, treating someone a certain way because they have a flaw is not right because you never know when it could happen to you and it would make you feel as bad as they did.

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