Thursday, March 5, 2009

case study # 3

I believe that the Guidance Counselor is being sexist because he's making a remark on how a job is "tough for a woman". There is no such gender which is superior from each other! Each and every man should have equal rights and should not go through sexism. These genders are no different from each other. They both have the same intellect and the same form. It just depends on how they use it. This has always been a major issue for people, especially women. An example in society is that children learn from their parents and the society that what conception of "feminine" and "masculine" is. Wheather it is from football to fashion. People have always differenciate from males to females. A common phrase used in society is "boys will be boys" or "That's my boy!" Wheather you know it or not know it, this is called sexism! Some people, especially men, believe that women can not achieve high-standard jobs or goals in the society. This is not true! An example of a person who has gone true sexism is Riane Eisler (I got this from the news). She said "we have a cultural bias that we bring to the effort and that colors our decision-making processes."Sexism is the result of that bias imposed by our process of acculturation. This means that when Riane got into a biaas situation, in her career life, the comments did not stop her to try achieving her goal. In this centuary, a lot of women have been proved to be more successful than men.

The types of character traits which have been missing in this situation, for the guidence counselor is that he is narrow-minded because he believes that men are supirior than women, therfore, they can achieve more in life. He is also missing respect because he is not respecting the students decision to be a doctor and he is questioning on her hardwork. Instead, he is being biased and telling her that she should "take an easier field." He also lacks responsibility because he is not doing his job being a "Guidence Counselor" and is not encouraging the student to go for it! And he isn't telling her that she is a hardworker. He is just adding his own personal assumpions in this situation. Therefore, this would have a huge impact in the students life and other womens lives because of his rude behaviour and assumptions.

In conclusion, women and men have the same standards and can achieve anything in life no matter who thinks what about it. There is no sex which is supirior than the other. Both are treated equally. If someone treats another person differently, it might be based on the way they think, not on their sex. Therefore, if the student had felt offended, she could have gotten herself another guidence counselor or she could have just gone with her decision in being a doctor and achieving her goal. Also, when she achieves her goal, she can help other women who have been offended by sexism to believe in themselves and help them know that every sex is equally treated and that they shouldn't think about what others make assumptions of.

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