Sunday, March 1, 2009

Case Study #4

The key equity problem for #4 would be sexual orientation because one student said to another student that he was listening to "faggy" music and he also yelled "dykes" at two poor innocent women walking down the street which is so immature, kid should learn some manors.Other kids would probably start teasing him and might call him other names then "bitch" and "pussy" as the bully did. The bully after hurting that kids feelings later on called 2 women dykes and got away with it. The two women would be offended and would feel uncomfortable while the bully thinks he's a badass and mr funny man.

Everybody has a different taste and has their opinion. What is faggy to one kid might be totally dope too another, and even if the music is faggy is there somthing wrong with being faggy?He should get in trouble but you shouldn't make it obvious to everyone that your telling on him but if you do it in private with the teacher nobody should know except you and your teacher so there would be no revenge directed towards the "snitch".

After the bully called the kids music faggy another kid could of easily said somthing like "that song rocks" or somthing to help defend the kid and later on after the bully yells at the 2 ladies a student tells the teacher what happened and he gets in trouble or somthing. Just depends if sombody is big enough to stand up and help the kid listening to music that he likes because of no one defends him then it will continue. It all comes down to respect and if sombody can stand up.

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