Saturday, November 14, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ahmed Disability

Not everybody is born with a difference in their life that would effect how they move around, or think, or even talk. There shouldn't be hate across the world from people because they're disabled in any sort of way,they're no different from anyone else or yourself.

There are a lot of hateful words that could hurt anybody's feelings, one that i've heard used in a bad way is ,"cripple". Usually meaning they're disable like they can't walk. Even though someone isn't capable of acheiving what others can do, there's no need to put them down in some way where it makes yourself feel much better that you are not like them. All thats going to come from is that he'll start hating himself, thinking he's some kind of alien, and just gives up at a point.

But through all these dreadful words, no one should ever believe or listen to what others say, unless its an encouragement of some sort. You should be confident and believe in yourself, and how would you feel yourself if people were pointing and laughing at you. Everyone of your friends should be helping and supporting eachother all the way through life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Case Study: Ahmed Disability

Ahmed's disability is nothing to make fun of. Even if he is slow in doing things that other students are doing, he is still trying and I feel he needs help. I don't think the people that bullied him didn't have an understanding of how hard it was to work as quickly as the others. They are not showing respect for Ahmed and making him feel bad. I would say the equity shown here is discrimination and prejudice against handicap and disabled people.

The friend should not be putting down Ahmed for his disability. They should of encouraged him more, he would have had more confident in himself. Discrimination against disabled and handicapped people is a very serious issue. There are still some disabled people who can do the same as what regular people can do, even more. Most people in the world don't discriminate handicap or disabled people as much, because they now there situation and they know they can't do some things like they can do in life.

I think a way of helping Ahmed be a more confident person of himself is buy encouraging him alot. I would encourage him as much as I can and tell him not everyone is perfect and everbody is born with a problem, even the richest guy in the world. His classmates should encourage him to do really good and be with him when he is in aide. Also I would tell the class that if they were in this situation they would feel bad too. So I guess i will encourage him really well and make his classmated do the same thing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't DiScRiMiNaTe- Case Study # 4

In my opinion the main character trait lacking or missing would be kindness and caring, iIalso think the main equity issue is that the students not being very open minded.

The reason I think the main character trait lacking or missing is kindness and caring because if the student had kindness and caring because if the students had cared about the girls he called "dykes" and the boy he called a "pussy" and "bitch". The student would not have called them names and would have been nice about it. The equity issue is that hes judging the people by what appears to him but not by what is true. he is being unfair because everyone deserves to listen to the music they choose and walk with the people they choose to walk with without being discriminated and judged; the student was not open minded.

In conclusion, I think the main character trait lacking or missing is kindness and caring and the main equity issue was that the students were not open minded and were unfair which led to discrimination.

case study # 3

I believe that the Guidance Counselor is being sexist because he's making a remark on how a job is "tough for a woman". There is no such gender which is superior from each other! Each and every man should have equal rights and should not go through sexism. These genders are no different from each other. They both have the same intellect and the same form. It just depends on how they use it. This has always been a major issue for people, especially women. An example in society is that children learn from their parents and the society that what conception of "feminine" and "masculine" is. Wheather it is from football to fashion. People have always differenciate from males to females. A common phrase used in society is "boys will be boys" or "That's my boy!" Wheather you know it or not know it, this is called sexism! Some people, especially men, believe that women can not achieve high-standard jobs or goals in the society. This is not true! An example of a person who has gone true sexism is Riane Eisler (I got this from the news). She said "we have a cultural bias that we bring to the effort and that colors our decision-making processes."Sexism is the result of that bias imposed by our process of acculturation. This means that when Riane got into a biaas situation, in her career life, the comments did not stop her to try achieving her goal. In this centuary, a lot of women have been proved to be more successful than men.

The types of character traits which have been missing in this situation, for the guidence counselor is that he is narrow-minded because he believes that men are supirior than women, therfore, they can achieve more in life. He is also missing respect because he is not respecting the students decision to be a doctor and he is questioning on her hardwork. Instead, he is being biased and telling her that she should "take an easier field." He also lacks responsibility because he is not doing his job being a "Guidence Counselor" and is not encouraging the student to go for it! And he isn't telling her that she is a hardworker. He is just adding his own personal assumpions in this situation. Therefore, this would have a huge impact in the students life and other womens lives because of his rude behaviour and assumptions.

In conclusion, women and men have the same standards and can achieve anything in life no matter who thinks what about it. There is no sex which is supirior than the other. Both are treated equally. If someone treats another person differently, it might be based on the way they think, not on their sex. Therefore, if the student had felt offended, she could have gotten herself another guidence counselor or she could have just gone with her decision in being a doctor and achieving her goal. Also, when she achieves her goal, she can help other women who have been offended by sexism to believe in themselves and help them know that every sex is equally treated and that they shouldn't think about what others make assumptions of.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ahmed's Disabiltiy

When the peers of Ahmed heard about his disability, they have been rude and disrespectful.

They think that since he has a disability that he is different from them or retarded, but there only being prejudice and saying that if you have a disability your stupid, and cannot do the same things that they can. Which is very wrong.

The person who insulted Ahmed could of easily offended his friend, who could of have a relative or have a friend who has a disability. What if that person's reaction was anger, a conflict could of started with the friend who insulted Ahmed. The student should of chose his words more wisely, because what he said was wrong and would hurt Ahmed feelings if he heard it. He should be ashamed of himself discriminating on Ahmed just because he has a disability.

If someone could of just stand up for Ahmed and tell the person it is not cool what you just said and that it is offensive, maybe he would of been sorry for what he said. Some people even say that Albert Einstein had dyslexia and he turned out to be a genius.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gls Assignment- Case Study 4.

         In my opinion, the main character trait lacking in the student of this case study was respect. I believe the student was lacking respect because if you truly have respect for other people you wouldn't call them vulgar, disrespectful names and make assumptions about them. The student that made fun of a classmate and the two women probably  made the classmate upset about his choice in music, and made  the women embarrassed or angry.

The main area of equity that is being addressed  in this case study is sexual orientation. The student made assumptions  that, because his classmates taste in music was considered "girly" or "un-manly" in his opinion, that he was gay. The student also assumed that because the two women were together, that they were "dykes". When  people see a male doing something feminine  he is seen as gay and if a female does something masculine she is seen as a "dyke".

A positive outcome for this case study would be if someone went to a teacher/principal and explained the student's actions and have the school address the differences in society. the responsibility of the school is to teach the students  to be respectful ambassadors for their school when they go off school property. If their teacher would have explained the expectations of the students it might have prevented the student's behaviour. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ever since Ahmed got these disabilities everyone one is treating him different not in a good way but a bad way. Everyone thinks that Ahmed is a retard and no one wants to work with him or even help him any assignment thinking its a waste of there time. His other problem is his teacher she puts to much pressure on him, making his assignments due early and not giving him any extra time to finish his work even when she knows Ahmed his much slower than the others.

Everyone is treating Ahmed like he is a big dumb ass, loser who can never learn anything, and wont get any where with his life just because he has a disability. That stuff is never true I mean are you like f***** up in the head, what right do you have to say stuff like that about him, he's just a human being like us no more no less, there is nothing he doesn't have that we do. Ahmed probably had a lot of friends before he got these disabilities, and right when he got them they all despaired. I mean holy s*** you don't be friends with people for what they can do, its whats inside that person which makes you want to be there friend, who give a dam on how someone looks, and if your a true friend your would stick with your friend no matter what happens to him I mean that's what friends are for.

If someone can just be a true friend to Ahmed I'd bet that he be one of the smartest students in the class. Ahmed has lost so much self confidence that his mind isn't willing to participate with him. If Ahmed just had one friend he'd be like a new person, he would probably forget about his disability and would know that he has a friend to back him up in anything. Who every thinks that's this is funny, just shut up because you could be next and who knows even I could be next, the main point of this is don't treat anyone differently just because they have a disability, god dammit why is that so hard to understand.


Case Study #4

The key equity problem for #4 would be sexual orientation because one student said to another student that he was listening to "faggy" music and he also yelled "dykes" at two poor innocent women walking down the street which is so immature, kid should learn some manors.Other kids would probably start teasing him and might call him other names then "bitch" and "pussy" as the bully did. The bully after hurting that kids feelings later on called 2 women dykes and got away with it. The two women would be offended and would feel uncomfortable while the bully thinks he's a badass and mr funny man.

Everybody has a different taste and has their opinion. What is faggy to one kid might be totally dope too another, and even if the music is faggy is there somthing wrong with being faggy?He should get in trouble but you shouldn't make it obvious to everyone that your telling on him but if you do it in private with the teacher nobody should know except you and your teacher so there would be no revenge directed towards the "snitch".

After the bully called the kids music faggy another kid could of easily said somthing like "that song rocks" or somthing to help defend the kid and later on after the bully yells at the 2 ladies a student tells the teacher what happened and he gets in trouble or somthing. Just depends if sombody is big enough to stand up and help the kid listening to music that he likes because of no one defends him then it will continue. It all comes down to respect and if sombody can stand up.

Case study 5.

Ahmeds Disability

There was know reason for people to make fun of Ahmed's disability. People don't know how he feels, he is exactly the same as others but he just works a lot slower. They don't know how it feels for Ahmed to work as quickly as others. I think the main equity is people being prejudice to disabled people. People think just because you have some disposable you can't do anything. But there is things that they can't do. But there is a lot of things they can do if they can walk, hear, look, smell, and much much more.

People have different ways of treating disabled people. Most caring people would look at Ahmed and help him out. For those other stupid people that don't care about anyone exempt there self's they would bully Ahmed and make fun of his disable. Ahmed's friend shouldn't have made fun of him. He should of helped him do his work or even give him some advice. But I don't think anyone theses days would tease or make fun of someone with disputably because people understand what they are going threw. Even if people made fun of anyone with disputably people would find out very fast and they would get in trouble in a sec.

If someone helps, or encourages Ahmed he would get threw his work much faster. Ahmed wouldn't be thinking of what people are saying because know one will be talking about him. If people suggested things he would be happy that people are trying to help. I think Ahmed would do better if he had a buddie with him that can help him anytime, anywhere, at any place. If there were more people supporting him, the guy that was bulling him would stop and I don't think anyone would treat him like the boy did with Ahmed.

Case Study #3

This male guidance counselor is being sexist, he is telling the female that she would not be able to do well working as a doctor. He is implying that men are more hard working then women are and that they would have a better chance in succeeding in the field of medicine.

This would impact many women, because as a professional man, you would think that he would know about working hard, and his comments might bring down another woman's self esteem, making her think that she would not make it into the career she is working hard for. When he made the remark about medicine being a tough field for women, many women would feel deeply offended especially since they've already been working hard to reach their goal.

An individual can complain to the school board and tell them the problem, and the school could speak to the guidance counselor, about the problem with being sexist to women.

Yes, this incident could be prevented. If the ones being targeted to not feel offended, and just go with what they believe is right, and are not put down because of what anyone says about their gender. You could also speak to some other person, who is not sexist. In this case, the young woman could have made another appointment with another guidance counselor who could have helped them for the future, instead of judging their abilities.

Stand up! (case study 5)

The equity problem is classism, when there are people discriminating because of what their socioeconomic class is. This is a problem because no one should be left out for how much money they have in general or how their clothes look, it just not right. In my case study, a girl said that she wasn't surprised that another wasn't going to semi formal because that girl's clothes were"welfare clothes." The girl thought that since her clothes looked cheap, that she couldn't afford to go to semi.

There was an impact on me because i felt that i needed to do something about what the other girl said.The ither students that heard this girl say thhis should of felt a need to do something even when they didn't.

The things someone or I would to would go talk to that girl and find out the real reason she is not going, I would see if there were ways of helping her go if money was the issue. As a school, I would go to the principal and ask if there is any way of lowering the price. It would be helping her and alot of kids out. If not, we as a school can have a fundraiser for student who can't afford to go to semi.

When there are situations like this one, students can go to guidance and talk to someone there about it. You can talk to someone close to you. Talk to anyone you feel comfortable with.

I don't think that this incident couldn't have been avoided because either way the girl would of found out sooner or later and the girl would of assumed anyway. it was just the case of when it was going to happen.

So in conclusion, treating someone a certain way because they have a flaw is not right because you never know when it could happen to you and it would make you feel as bad as they did.

Ahmed's Disability

I think that Ahmed is being treated very poorly because of his disability. He does have feelings and what peoople are saying to him and how people are treating him are probably making him upset. I think the main equity problem is people being prejudice against people with disabilities. This is a problem because some people think that just because they do have mental issues, they treat them like they don't understand english or like they can't hear. Sometimes they trat them the way they do because they figure that they can't do anything about it.

Different people have differen't ways of reacting to this. Some people may feel sympathy for him and try to do something about it. Others might join the person that is making fun of him and won't care about how Ahmed feels about them "bagging" on him. At an individual level, someone can help by confronting the bully or the person who started this. At a school level we could try to raise money to put and start a program to help people with disabilities. They could be able to talk about their problems or if they need help with the work they get in class like Ahmed, a teacher can help him with it. Ahmed can go to a guidence counsell0r for help or go to the principal to tell the person that the teacher is not giving him enough time to get stuff done.

I think that this situation can be prevented. We can make this happen by making the new program for people with disabilities like I mentioned. People that have heard what was happened can tell a teacher who is saying what and make sure that they never do it again.

If I were Ahmed, I would go to guidence and tell them what's going on. If I knew what my friend were saying about Ahmed, I would try to talk to him and tell him that what he's saying isn't right and to apologize. About the teacher, I would talk to them and explain that Ahmed isn't like the rest of us and that he needs time to get stuff done. Hopefully, people will listen to me and realize that being prjudced is wrong.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Case Study:Ahmed's Disability

Ahmed's disability is nothing to make fun of. Even if he is slow in doing things that other students are doing, he is still trying and I feel he needs help. The friend that was making fun of him does not have any understanding of how difficult it is for Ahmed to work as quickly as the others. He also is not showing any respect for Ahmed's feelings and his position. The main equity issue shown here is discrimination or predjudice against disabled or handicapped people. This may cause people to change their opinions on Ahmed, and could end up doing more harm than good. There is probably a solution to his problem.

The friend should not be putting down Ahmed, instead he should have been trying to help him and encourage him in his work. I think the friend does not understand how difficult it would be if he had the same disability and if others were teasing him. Discrimination against disabled people is a severe issue because it is not true that people who have disabilities find it harder or difficult to do anything. In fact, some may even be able to do somethings better than people without disabilities. Thankfully, I do not think many people are into bullying disabled people, because they understand what problems the disabled people are going through.

A possible outcome that could help Ahmed is that someone else or I try to encourage him to tell someone what he is going through. The person can give suggestions that Ahmed can do from his side. If people in the class encourage him enough, he should be able to get through his work well. Then the person informed of the incident can talk to other people about it and they may be able to arrange something like a rally or an assembly with the main focus of discrimination against disabled people. It will show the disabled people feel about their work and how they feel about other people treating them rashly or hurting their feelings. It can also show what would happen if you have that disability and how you might feel if you had it. I think all this would be enough to stop the friend from hurting Ahmed' feelings.

Case Summative: Field Trip

If a person did that on the bus they probably just wanted attention and acted really stupidly. It is not okay to relate a person's music to their sexual orientation and it definitely isn't okay to call someone a pussy for it. The person who was being harassed probably felt different and unaccepted and it is a serious issue for someone to feel that way.
I would probably tell the bully to get a life and find something other to do than try to comment on someone taste in music and use such strong words for such stupid reasons. The person could have gone to the teacher and told him about this behavior. And if he was walking through the streets and yelling stuff like "dykes" i would want to smack him on the head but I would rather tell a teacher about it.
I'm going to be honest, sometimes I think listening to a few things in music is for a certain gender but insults on another person's sexual orientation is wrong and immature.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Case Study Number Four+one :D (five)

I chose to do case study number five because I found this a common issue among both boys and girls. Many people find it hard to afford to go to a dance or a trip that is expensive. They may not be poor but they are not going to use their money up for no reason (as some parents would say). In this case a girl couldn’t afford to go to her semi formal, and is being called poor for it. If I were near the person who called her poor I would tell her that it wasn’t true and that we should do something to cheer that girl up.

The person who made fun of the girl was definitely lacking respect and empathy. Nobody who has ever gone through that in their life would do such a thing. I believe that if the girls had any respect for their fellow student, they would not have behaved in such a way. You should always respect a person’s feelings. I also think that the girl who called her poor and said that she wore welfare clothes was lacking kindness. This showed that she didn’t have a heart and could care less about others.

I believe that what the girls could have done to show that they cared would be to collect money and buy a ticket for their friend to join them for the semi. Not only would that be the proper thing a friend would do, it would show that they cared. Also, if she walks into the room while you’re talking about the semi, you should change the conversation into something that she could also join, for example, homework. These little things would definitely help her feel better about herself, and not going to the semi.

It is important to show you friends that you care.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pink = Gay ??

Discrimination is frequently based on class or category rather than personal value. The present world is always discriminating one and other. For instance, September 18th 2007, a grade 9 boy was physically beaten by older boys, for the colour of his shirt. Two senior boys had seen this and took action.

The bullies were wrong in what they did. There are three reasons why. The bullies did not welcome, support or appreciate the boy who wore pink. As an older student they should have welcomed the boy who is new to the school. They should have made him feel like he did belong in that school, instead of making him feel like this school hates him. The bullies did not appreciate him for being true to himself and wearing what he wants too. They did not want this boy to be appreciated by anyone. They should have supported him they way the two grade 12 boys did. They should have supported him with his decision to wear pink. However, they did not do this.

David Shepherd and Travis Price did the right thing. They took action. They welcomed, supported and appreciated the boy who wore pink. They understood that this boy had taken a stand and wore whatever he wanted too. They also saw what the bullies did too him and they supported him. They did this by organizing a huge amount of students to also wear pink. This was very generous of the boys to do. I am sure that the boy who wore pink, felt like he belonged and was appreciated.


Slide down the list of posts and look for the word UPDATED in capital letters.
One of the assignments is called "Wear Pink Assignment UPDATED" and "In Related News UPDATED (with assignment)."
If you still can't find the assignment, leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do for you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Schools Sink In The Pink

A few years back, a 9th grader came on the first day of school wearing a pink polo shirt. A bunch of older jerks figured this means he is homosexual and that he should be punished and started to make fun of him and even threatened to beat him up. Two 12th grade boys thought "enough is enough" and decided to take a stand against the bullies. The defended the boy and bought several pink clothes from a local department store and contacted a lot of students from their school to wear pink the next day. When the school was covered in a sea of pink (note the title), the bullies didn't say a word to the boy again and the boy was so happy.
I think the 12th grade guys did a really neat job in standing up to those bullies and it was really cool for them to go out of their way to do it. I think the bullies probably didn't mean so much harm because it was the first day of school and everyone is seeing everyone again and they were probably just being immature and showing off, but it wasn't right to do so.
I really don't think that wearing pink is a sign of being gay because everyone wears after girls started saying only real men wear pink. And hey, pink is Superman's favorite color.

\m/(>.<)\m/ Real Men Wear Pink \m/(>.<)\m/

Tons of people in the world are being judged for what they wear or what they look like. I think that thier shouldn't be this kind of discrimination about what color of clothing you are wearing, its childish for calling someone gay for the color of there shirt. There has been alot of discrimination of different cultures you come from, the clothing you have on, what you look like, and how you act. These are all childish acts if you do discriminate its okay if you just want to joke around but if you are going to physically beat that person because of that you should consider youre self being power hungry.
I believe that the boy who got beat up for wearing a pink polo shirt on the first day of school was idiotic for the guys who beat him up. Its just a color, and pink does not consider youre self gay because tons of people where pink and are not considered gay. I think that the grade twelve students did the right thing by giving a message to everyone that if youre a boy and you wear pink that doesnt mean youre gay. When the two grade twelve students got alot of people in there school to wear pink it gave a message to the bullies to think that wearing pink is not gay.
It was a good way for the grade twelve students who proved a point by wearing pink. They were great role models for the younger grades. I also think that the bullies should feel dumb for calling someone gay for wearing pink. They have learned that when a guy wheres pink he is not gay.

Manly colour pink !!!!!!!!!

People are judged diffrent in this world. There are judged by looks, colour , religion , and how they dress. There is more than this that people judge about in this world. But I don't think it is fare for the people who are actually different than other people. We all deserve to be treated the same.

A few years ago a boy in Nova Scotia wore pink for the first time at school. Everyday he would get beat up at school just for wereing pink. Since he wore pink the bullies assumed he was gay that why the beat him up. But the grade 12's in that school felt sorry for the kid, so they decided to put an end to this by making everyone in the school were pink for one day. This made the bullies stop and from that day on a man wereing pink wasn't considered gay.

I am happy for what the grade 12's did in the school to help this kid. I like the way they stood up for the kid instead of joining the bullies. I also think the bullies were pretty stupid thinking if a man wore pink they would be gay. I am happy the kid and the grade 12's tought those bullies a lesson, that wereing pink is not gay!!!!!


A lot of people are judged by how they're looked, dressed, act, or sometimes even their culture. But a lot of the people might be looked at the wrong way by how their dressed, the colors, and sometimes the brand name.

There was a boy in a school a couple years ago where he got beat up for wearing the color pink from the bullies assuming that he was gay due to what he wore.The grade 12s were not happy about this, they wore pink and stopped them from bullying kids just for wearing pink and assuming he was gay.

That is what i think about the boy who wore pink to school and got beat up, it was very idiotic of what the bullies did just cause he thought he was gay.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Steroid up'd

Alex Rodriguez is a professional baseball player who admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs between the year 2001 and 2003. I believe Alex Rodriguez showed poor judgement by taking said drugs, and should be penalized in some way, but what he did might have been what he felt was necessary to meet the expectations set upon him.

Alex Rodriguez claimed to take the drugs from the year 2001-2003. The article in states the MLB did not start to test for steroids in their players until 2003, and did not start penalizing them until 2004. As someone who claims to be under a lot of pressure, I could see where Alex would find it “in his best interests” to make sure he would be able to meet the standards that were put on him, because at the time the only real penalty that seemed to exist would be his own health.

Alex Rodriguez won three Most Valuable Player awards, one in 2003, 2005 and 2007. I believe despite his substance abuse these honours are deserved. One might argue winning such awards should go to a player who competes “legitimately”, but at the time Alex Rodriguez was, by popular belief, the best player in the league at the moment. Just like Barry Bonds recently set the homerun record, whether substance abuse is present or not, Barry Bonds did complete the most home runs.

I think Alex Rodriguez lacked honesty in his actions. Alex Rodriguez was in denial and was constantly changing his story to keep him out of trouble. I wouldn’t say Alex Rodriguez lacked integrity, because integrity really depends on what one person’s beliefs and opinion. One person may believe that substance abuse is morally wrong, while another might not.

I think Alex Rodriguez had reason to believe what he did was justified. Although I believe what he did was not fair or right, the MLB is not new to such actions from their players.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I think that what happened in Nova Scotia was totally uncalled for. No one has the right to judge someone for what they wear at school! I mean if you think about it there is no such thing as a boy colour or a girl colour. Everyone should have a choice of what they feel like wearing and not feel stupid or bad about it. If you think about it, if guys are not supposed to wear pink then why do men's clothing stores sell pink shirts that were made for men to wear. It's made to be seen worn so guys shouldn't be afraid of getting beet up for wearing the colour!!

I feel that what the grade twelve students showed was: respect and kindness. These students showed respect because they didn't jump in with the other jerks making fun of this poor kid but they bothered to realize that this wasn't right to both the student himself or those who are homosexual . These students also showed kindness because they stood up for the grade 9 student by wearing pink to show that if you wear pink it doesn't automatically make you gay. Plus you don't usually see a grade 12 student or students standing up for a grade 9 student unless they are a close friend of yours or something like that.

So in conclusion i think that people (especially teens because they sometimes have no idea what the hell they are talking about) don't have the right to just judge someone for what they wear because whether they like it or not they are offending someone whether it be one person or a whole group of people. So my final comment is don't assume because most of the time it makes an a#@ out of you and me!

pinkiiieeee ~~

I think that the two grade 12 student is right to stand up for the grade 9 boy .If they hadn't stand up for the boy , bullies won't stop bullying him the grade 9 boy.i think that the bullies is wrong .you can't judge people by how they look.

I think two of the grade 12 student were kind, caring, empathy and respect.They were kind to help the grade 9 boy. They also respected the boy who where pink T-shirt .They said the grade 9 boy was gay.The bullies also lack respect to the poor boy, make fun of him just because he wore a pink T-shirt to school.

They are also immature to treat people that way.I am glad that there is someone who have the gut , to stand up for the grade 9 student, even the grade 9 boy is not their friend.You don't have the qualification to judge people people what the look.Respect other, and other will respect you too.

Go Pink!!!

I believe that what the grade 12 students at this school did was really nice. It is great that they had the guts to stand up for what they know is right. If they had not taken action then the poor little kid would still be bullied. I think that the two boys David and Travis displayed respect, responsibility, and sympathy.

They displayed respect because they respected that when the boy wore a pink shirt that he was just wearing a pink shirt not that he was gay or strait. The bullies were disrespectful because they made fun of somebody for just wearing a pink coloured shirt

David and Travis also showed responsibility. It wasn't there direct responsibility to help the grade nine student. They took it upon themselves to help the kid out. They took responsibility.
Lastly they showed sympathy. They felt bad for the boy and thought what the bullies where doing was wrong.

In conclusion I am glad that these boys stood up for what was right and helped a friend out.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Alex R. being a bad influence...

Alex Rodrigeuz is a professional baseball player. He is a professional because he has been taking steroids, which he confessed. When he won 3 MVP's durning his career with the New York Yankees, and Texas Rangers, he was using steroids. He did a lot of wrong things and I think that because he was lacking a lot of important character traits.

He was lacking self-esteem because he didn't think he was good enough to play baseball with his original skills. He also lacks respect because he has no respect for the game, respect for the players, respect for the fans that watch the game. He also lacks responsibility because he isn't responsible enough to take the blame earlier and not to take the drugs in the first place.

He influenced many people in a bad way because other people will follow his foot steps and take drugs to play a sport. His fans now think that all the skills he has is from that horrible drug he used to take. Little kids now beleive that drugs are cool, and they will start drugs when they're about 13-20 years of age. Personally I think that what Alex Rodrigeuz did is a crime and he should be put into jail for atleast 14 years.


I have read the article, "Rodriguez admits to using steroids", and in my opinion i do believe Alex Rodriguez justified in using steroids.

I believe he justified in using steroids because he was stressed and under pressure and when anyone, even you and me, is under pressure we tend to do stupid, regretful things. Considering he has broken this rule once and admitted to it even after he protested that he did use steroids, he should be forgiven because he was justified very well and had a pretty good reason so he should be given a second chance.He is also a very good player and can't afford to be turned down when he plays well,both for him and his team, therefore he should be forgiven. He was young when he did what he did and most young people in this society use drugs at some stage in there development,since it was a stage he deserves a second chance.

In conclusion, that is why i do believe Alex Rodrigeuz justified in using steroids.

Steroids On The Run !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex Rodriguez is a fantastic baseball player who took power enhancing drugs which in some opinions, was questionable. He was well appreciated for his great looks and his great baseball tactics. When his fans and team mates found out that he lied, everyone was very disappointed and weren’t sure if he should be excused for the use of drugs, or not. He disrespected the game of baseball, humiliated the MLB league, his wife, his team, his fans, and himself.

I would understand if he was under a lot of pressure, and he might have needed steroids to physically enhance his performance. He did not have any respect for the game's reputation. If he did, he would not have taken steroids. He might have caused disgrace to the league. He did not think what would have happened and who it might have affected, by taking steroids. His action also disgusted the team's coach that he had worked with previously. He practically told the fans, and his team, that they needed steroids to be an athlete, to succeed in life.

I believe that Alex made a very dumb choice and he should be penalized for what he did, but I do not believe that the consequence should be exiled from the MLB league, because for one others that have taken steroids in the past, have still been in the game, and second of all, nobody's perfect. Personally, I feel that Alex Rodriguez was not at all justified in consuming or injecting steroids to physically enhance his skills and love for the game of baseball, which we disrespected. In conclusion, don't concede or take any drug to make yourself be more of a person because you are who you are, and striving for a goal will be noticed in time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

.·´¯`·->§top The §wearing {Case Study #4} O__o

If my friend were to call such names as "Bitch" or "Pussy" to a kid on the bus JUST for listening to music, I would tell him to just jump off the bus that instant and find a better thing to do. I would not want to be friends with someone who uses up his/her own valuable time to make fun of a student's musical preference. But to shout out such a word to random girls across a busy street in Downtown, I would be in complete shock.

I would say that the main equity issue that is being addressed is Sexual Orientation. This is because this "friend" of mine made an assumption of two random women walking across the street and calling them lesbians and calling a boy a "Pussy". Whether these girls were homosexuals, work acquaintances, sisters or just friends, it's none of his/her business!

The world is about diversity and one another preferences, you choose to prefer one gender over the other or one genre of music to another. Something, I would say in this situation, would be reminding this person of how they would feel if this were to happen to them or what it would be like to step in the shoes of the one being made fun of. But, if the school would have prevented this before it had even happened, then this student would be educated enough to not do idiotic stuff like this in the future. In public, in private and hopefully not even think about it. Thats what the L in G.L.S is for...Learning. ;D Which is why we are currently getting educated about this topic so we won’t commit this act in the future.

In conclusion, you should go to a G.L.S teacher, or more importantly your parents and talk about this problem. People deserve more than being called bad names. So why not show everyone some respect, whatever their sexual orientation and preferences.

-Ali Baquer


I think that A-Rod was not justified to use steroids because it wasn't fair. If he wasn't able to play at his own ability, what right is it to enhance it. For example, fans pay to go see the players play at their best and there are many players enhancing their ablilty with drugs, are the fans getting what they payed for?

A-Rod chose to take steroids no matter how much pressure he had. Many people have pressure and they do not take steroid to improve there ability in anything they do.

A-Rod also lied about him taking the drugs on international tv. Everybody lies, its not alway a big deal. I guess it was a big deal because there are people who idolize him. Everyone has someone who either looks up to them or they look up to others. Since A-Rod is exposed to the media he has many others looking up to him.

Steroids enhances many things such as stamina, muscle building, etc. Those are generally factors that are wanted in athletic sports. A-Rod used them to enhance his performance.

Drugs change the outcome of things and nobody will ever know what would of happened. A-Rod should of faced his consequence when asked so he wouldn't have to face the media now.


Alex Rodriguez, baseball player, 3 MVP award winner, and a lier? The New York Yankees third baseman admitted on using steroids (preformance enchancing drugs) during his 2001-2003 career, when he was in the Texas Rangers. When asked why he would do such a thing, A-FRAUD responded in saying,"Back then it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young. I was stupid," Rodriguez said. "I was naive, and I wanted to prove to everyone that, you know, I was worth, you know — and being one of the greatest players of all time." quoted directly from his interview with ESPN. One of the biggest scandals of sports history, is right now.

I belive that the consequences for A-ROD on other players in the MLB (Major League Baseball) is alot. From now, all the exceptionally good players will be accused of using steroids, and alot of tests will be made for all players, no exceptions. Also, alot of fans of the MLB will lose interest because they will think the League has let it's players loose. Just because of one money, and rank greedy player the whole league will suffer. Also, the fans of A-FRAUD will think that sterioids can get you to the top, pracitice means nothing, and just buy injecting a substance into your body you can play better than everyone else. Which is completely wrong. He should be punished for his actions and just lacked some very important character traits.

A-FRAUD lacked many character traits in making his desicsion in using sterioids. The first, is HONESTY. I belive this because he was not HONEST at admitting that he took steroids before in the past, (in the CBC's show 60 minutes, when he said "no", when asked if he ever used steroids, human growth hormone, or any other preformance-enchancing substances.) Even though he admitted on using steroids, he still took too long, and abused the fact that people trusted him. Another trait he lacked was responsibility, because he was not taking responsibilty of what he did, and taking a banned substance to reach the top in the first place. If everyone is climbing a ladder to the top, you don't take the elevator, and cheat everyone else that had been working hard, that is just disrRESPECTful, and like everyone says, to get RESPECT, you need to give it. Last, but not least A-FRAUD lacked the character trait RESPECT, because he cheated everyone by using steroids, and didn't care about the other players. He just cheated everyone out of their rights to reach the top.

The A-FRAUD scandal has been a big one. I hope the League doesn't forgive A-FRAUD because he "admitted" on taking drugs, I believe it doesn't matter if he confessed, he has done wrong and should be convicted. I don't even think the League should shorten his sentence because he only confessed after SPORTS ILLUSTRATED reported that he had been tested postitive for 2003. So he just confessed so he could have a shorter sentance which should not be given. If the League forgives A-FRAUD, not only baseball players and major-league players will try steroids for the benefits, but MLB will be tainted forever, and people will belive that cheating, does pay.

Alex Rodriguez a.k.a A-Rod :)

Alex Rodriguez was an amazing baseball player who was greatly admired for his skill of baseball. He was greatly loved, until he denied using steroids in an interview with 60 minutes. When his fans and team mates found out that he lied, everyone was very disappointed and weren’t sure if he should be excused for the use of drugs, or not.

I would understand if he was under a lot of pressure, and he might need drugs to enhance his performance, he shouldn’t have lied about using the drugs. I believe that it was a mistake for him to use the steroids. He may have been young, and might have thought that it would be right to use the drugs because other baseball players used it, but he should have known better. Everyone makes mistakes, and eventually learns from them. Alex realized his mistake and was truly sorry.

Alex was definitely lacking responsibility by disappointing his team mates and his fans. He should have known that his fans may follow what he was doing. Alex also lacked honesty by lying to everyone and saying that he didn’t do steroids, to everyone who watched the interview on 60 minutes. He didn’t have team work either, or he would’ve known that taking the drugs would be cheating.

Alex did make a mistake, but he was pressured and felt that he should play better, so taking drugs was probably what he thought would be a good option. I would say that Alex is at fault for taking the steroids, but he is truly sorry, and if he is sincere, then he would definitely learn from this mistake and would not disappoint his fans and team mates again.


David Sheppard and Travis Price were just two regular students in grade 12 from Nova Scotia, who decided to take action and did the right thing. When they heard about a grade 9 student was being made fun of for wearing a pink shirt. I thought that the character traits that they showed were Empathy, Kindness and Caring toward that student who wore the shirt. I also thought that the bully was lacking respect because they were insulating and calling him names to purposely offend him. Also the bullies had no life, and could not find nothing else better to do, maybe they might understand what they put that student threw if it was them being made fun of. I think that they were insecure and it made them feel better about themselves putting someone else down, so they saw that student with the pink shirt and taught that he was an easy target. In the end David and Travis helped showed the bullies that they were wrong, when more than half the school showed up in pink shirts the next day, and it also took teamwork and co-operation for that to happen.

Alex the baseball dood :D

Alex Rodriguez was a great baseball player who was very well liked. He was also a very good sport and always played the game for the love of it. Sadly it was proven that Alex had been using steroids. This gave many people a great shock and disappointed many fans. The only thing Alex could do was apologize to everyone for what a stupid mistake he made. Although I agree with what he said, that it was a stupid mistake, I don't necessarily blame everything on Alex. Yes, we was young and stupid, and it was a mistake, but he was definitely influenced poorly. Over 100 other baseball players did the same so I think Alex might have been suggested the choice of steroids, or worse, encouraged.

I believe Alex did his body no favour in using steroids. He could have been just as good without the drug, maybe even better. I understand that he was new back then and thought he needed the steroids, but i think that his confidence didn't need that. After using the steroids, he thought he wasn't good enough himself and needed the help of drugs. But he could have easily trained harder. Not only could he have gotten better through his strengths AND weaknesses, Alex would have gotten his body stronger. These steroids damage your body and I am a bit glad they found out so Alex wouldn't hurt himself anymore..

But I think that this choice of action didn't help much in the end. He was a pretty good player because of the steroids but now that he stopped, his games have become a bit shabby. Instead of his scores increasing each year, they've become worse. I think that if Alex would have done baseball normally he would have gotten better not worse.

This is why I believe Alex should not have done the steroids.

Liar, Liar Alex's arms are on fire.

    Alex Rodriguez, also known as A-Rod was once one of the most respected people in sports, until he lied in an interview with 60 minutes about steroid his use. I believe that Alex has some justification for using steroids because, when you are in the field of professional sports the pressure to be the best is always a top priority. Playing for the New York Yankees would put the pressure on anyone.

    In Alex's first year with the Yankees he hit 36 home runs and became the first of three to complete 35 home runs. When Alex made the choice to take steroids he let down his fans, teammates and the MLB league. The pressure of doing well on a new team made him want to preform his best, but he did not feel that his best was enough and therefore turned to steroids. I believe that everyone knows what Alex is going through and he should be receiving support not criticism. At one point in everyone's life they have felt pressured to do something that may not be the right choice because of family, friends or teammates. Some of the character traits Alex was lacking were honesty, perseverance and integrity.

      I believe that Alex made a poor choice and he should be penalized for what he did, but I do not believe that the consequence should be as dire as incarceration. An area of equity that is being addressed here is ability; Alex did not believe that he could preform at the level that the world wanted him to be. Alex made poor choices, but there was a legitimate reason behind it; he felt pressured and wanted to do his best.    

Easing the Teasing (Case Study # 5)

It’s an awkward position to be in when all your friends are teasing somebody, and you genuinely want to help the person, but, obviously, you don’t want to lose your friendship with your peers. Now, honestly, I know I wouldn’t lose a percent of my friendship because helping somebody isn’t stupid or naive, it’s nice and caring. You really have to think before making a decision because if you truly realized the pain she was in and all the obstacles that were preventing this girl - who has not done anything wrong - from succeeding in life, you would've done something about it. Teasing just puts more burden on this girl. The girls did not express any empathy, responsibility, or respect at all. They didn’t respect the feelings of the girl and didn’t act with kindness and compassion or listen or consider her views. The girls did not act responsible for their thoughts, words or actions. They definitely were not polite, courteous or caring. They didn’t value themselves as well as the girl. They didn’t treat her with dignity.

I respect the girl as well as all pitiable people who try hard everday so that they can support themselves. These people don't have a choice. It's not her fault she’s not financially stable or given the resources many of us take for granted. I disrespect the girls that teased the deprived student. They might have a lot, but they don't really care or value what they have in life and just squander it for nonsensical commodities. I wonder if the lack of respect is used to cover up the fear that the girls might have about ending up in the other girl’s position. No one wants to face how fragile his or her own existence can really be, so they turn their fear outward. So many of us hate what we fear, and we fear the unknown.

I would do more than just sit with her. I would confront the girl, and without reluctance, be her friend. I think I would go and reflect on the things from her perspective. The more I’d get to know things about her, hear her stories and learn the daily obstacles she faces, the more I could understand where she is coming from. I would definitely pay for some of the ticket or all of it and lend her a dress to wear to the semi-formal because I wouldn’t want her to miss out on such a memorable event, which I clearly know she urges to go to. Wanting to see her joyfully dancing and having fun would inspire me as well as the people saying things about her to help out more often. Maybe going beyond just helping the girl and doing something powerful like writing about poverty in the school paper, doing a class presentation on poverty, encouraging a family charity project, giving a portion of your allowance each week to the needy or a place that supports them, or even visiting a poor part of town could benefit others as well as you, a lot.

Alex Rodriguez's Steroid case

Alex Rodriguez had admitted to using steroids in the past. It began as this. Many people speculated on why he may have done so. I believe he was not justified in doing so because of a few reasons. There isn't any excuse for taking or using any illegal substances.

He did not have respect for the game's reputation. If he did, he would not have taken steroids. He might have caused disgrace to the league. He did not think what would have happened and who it might have affected, by taking steroids. His action also disgusted the team's coach that he had worked with previously. He might have made fans assume that all baseball players would use steroids to succeed.

He seemed to think that to succeed in his goal, he needed a boost. This is not true as practice, skill and ability determines how good a person is. Taking steroids or any other performance-enhancing substance only shows how dependent you are on them. His action would have shown this to his fans.

There is no reason why he should have taken steroids at that time. If he was not playing well, he might have been going through a bad time or have a nerves problem. If he was doing great, then why should he take steroids at all? If he tried to do this to become better, he has only managed in ruining his reputation. These are some ways in which I think Alex Rodriguez is not justified for using steroids.


The 2 Gr.12 students did the right thing. They did not only stand up for this bullied student, but spread the message. They helped the country realise the inequality between people.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In my opinion the behavior of the bullies was extremely inappropriate toward the grade nine student, they judged his sexuality according to the colour of his shirt that’s just disrespectful, and they made him feel bad about it. Even if he was a homosexual it shouldn’t affect them in anyway there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual, it’s a personal choice and it shouldn’t matter to anyone else.

What David and Travis did was tremendously kind; they felt sympathetic for the student and decided to take action. By standing up for what they believe in they showed a lot of responsibility, and courage. It was their decision to help or not and they did which shows that they’re both kind and caring people.

They took the time and effort in to planning something out for the next day, they didn’t have to buy all those pink shirts but they did and they got all their friends involved. This was where teamwork came in, most of the students helped out to make a difference.

Travis a David were also respectful, they could have gone up to the bullies and called them names or said disrespectful things, but they were smart, they knew that calling them names wouldn’t leave a difference between the bullies and them. So instead they showed the bullies that there’s nothing wrong with wearing a pink shirt, a colour doesn’t decide what a person is or what their categorized as. Even if someone’s different that’s their choice and people should learn to respect that.


I think the bullies were wrong in doing what they did because it was unfair, immature, and unkind.

Some reasons why i think the bullies are being unfair is because they didn't give the grdae nine boy a chance to show how he bahaves around people. They didn't even consider the fact that he could be very nice and considerate. It isn't like he did anything to the bullies.

I think they were being immature because, they assumed that since teh grade nine boy was wearing pink, he was gay. Even if he was gay, that would be his own business and no one else. Beating people up because of what the bullies assumed was really inconsiderate. Even if they had a problem with him wearing this coulour, they should have kept the thought to themselves.

A couple reasons why I think the bullies are unkind is because they beat him up for no particular reason. The grade nine boy wasn't even gay, but the bullies didn't give him time to explain himself. Not that he should have to explain himself to anyone for wearing what he was.

I think that bullying the nineth grader for wearing a pink shirt is like a girls going to another girl and calling her a "lesbo" for having a boyish haircut. What the bullies have displayed is disrespect for this grade nine boy and all gay people.


Now that we have practised writing opinion paragraphs, it's time to do it for real, for marks!

Here is the assignment. It is due next Friday, February 27th.

Good Luck!

GLS assignment – Blogging or Journal Entry
Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

Choose one of the attached case studies and consider the following questions:

1) What is the key equity problem? Why is this a problem (i.e., what assumptions are being made?).

2) What is the impact of the discrimination on the different people involved?

3) What can someone do or say in this situation to challenge the equity issue:
a) At an individual level?
b) At the school level?

4) Where could someone go for help?

5) Are there ways this incident could be prevented? If so, how?


Using the answers to the above questions, create a series of paragraph answering the question, “In your opinion, what was the main character trait lacking or present in this case study? What was the main equity issue, and why is this an issue?” In your closing paragraph, suggest a positive outcome for the case study.

Submissions should be around one page long.

You will be marked on the attached checklist (distributed today in class).

Blog or journals are due February 27, 2009

Case Studies

1) Ahmed has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia and a mild intellectual disability. Up until now, he has been doing poorly on assignments. It takes Ahmed longer to work on things, and sometimes he needs things explained to him a few times. You notice that Ahmed isn’t always allowed the time he needs to work on assignments by your teacher, even though he has this ability issue. One of your friends says, “He’s just a retard. I don’t ever want to work with him in groups. Stupid retard.” You feel you should do something about this situation, but what?

2) You have recently started dating someone of a different race or religion than yourself. Most of your friends are of a similar cultural background as yours. You’ve noticed that some of your friends’ attitudes have been changing toward you since you began dating. One friend said you “sold out.” Another just doesn’t call you as frequently. You are feeling sad and angry about their behaviour, but aren’t really sure what to do next.

3) You are a young woman who has always wanted to be a doctor and have worked hard toward your goal. So far, your hard work has paid off and you are doing well in school. During your appointment with a guidance counselor, he tells you that he thinks another career would be a better option because it doesn’t require as much work and may be cheaper. He goes on to say that, although there are some scholarships for your ethnic community, they are really hard to get and you need to have very good marks. He remarks that medicine is “a tough field for women.” He asks if your parents know you want to be a doctor. You feel extremely offended because you feel the counselor was making judgments about your abilities based on your gender and ethnicity.

4) You are on a field trip with your class and friends to the ROM. A classmate has been making fun of another student on the bus because he is listening to music that your friend has deemed “faggy.” Your friend calls him a “bitch” and “pussy,” and everyone laughs. Later on, this same student sees two women walking across the street and yells “dykes!” at them. The teacher has not noticed either of these incidents. You are embarrassed and feel you must do something.

5) You are a female student sitting in class near the end of the period, discussing the upcoming semi-formal. One of the girls you usually sit with is unusually quiet as you and your friends discuss what you will be wearing and where you will go out for some food before the event gets started. When asked if she would like to go shopping with you this weekend for a dress, she replies, “no”, and walks away, looking uncomfortable. Another girl says, “of course she isn’t going, she’s poor. Her clothes are so welfare. Plus, tickets are pretty expensive.” This situation seems wrong. What can you do?

Student Gone Pink?????

It all started when two Nova Scotia students saw a grade 9 being bullied and called a homosexual by these other grade 9 boys just because he wore a pink polo shirt. The two grade 12 witnesses witnesses did not like what they saw so they planned to help out the grade 9 student. The next day they told all there friends to wear a pink shirt and as asked they all wore pink shirts. When the bullies say that all these people were wearing pink shirts they were furious, and when the grade 9 student saw this he was shocked that all these people were out to him.

The reasons why I think the bullies were wrong : 1) Bullying is un-acceptable, that's probably one of the reasons why Travis and David did what they did. 2) Colours as Stereotypes. Its a silly thing to beat up someone for, just because you're wearing a certain colour, doesn't mean you're trying to represent some type of personality. 3) Showing that anyone can stand up for what they believe in.

I think that the students who helped the grade nine student were right in what they did because they helped get someone get his rights back. They were right because they showed that no one wants to be treated differently than others and that everyone has equal rights. The second reason that they were right is because they wanted the boy to be respected because in order to get respect, you got to give it back. The last reason is that the students are right because they showed empathy because it might have happend to them previously. They might have helped the boy out because they want to help everyone have equal rights.


An incident happened to Nova Scotian student by getting bullied because he wore a pink shirt to school. Luckily there were two grade 12s that went against the bullies and helped the rookie out by making a "Wear Pink to School Day". These two grade 12s names were David Shepard and Travis Price. The bullies called the freshman names like "fag", "gay", "homo", etc. David and Travis made a day for all students to wear a pink shirt and if they forgot to wear a pink shirt, they would bring some just incase. They even posted this on Facebook so they can get more volunteers for this special event. I beileve that they did wrong by judging a man by the clothes they wear. Everyone should not be treated by what they look like, they should be treated by how they act like.

.·´¯`·->A--®ØÐ -__-

I say that Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) was not at all justified in using steroids whatever his reason was. He, unlike most players in Major League Baseball took the easy out, instead of working hard for his success. Taking steroids was not the right choice because he then had an unfair advantage against the MLB players. 8( As it is a banned substance, he should not have even thought about taking these Performance Enhancing Drugs. (P.E.Ds)

Alex Rodriguez said:
"Back then, it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young, I was stupid, I was naive and I wanted to prove to everyone that I was worth, you know, being one of the greatest players of all time. And I did take a banned substance. For that, I'm very sorry and deeply regretful".

He says that he was young and foolish for his mistake and should not have taken P.E.Ds because then he was under-rated and wanted to be one of the greatest players in history. But just because he wanted to be great, this was no acception to be successful. In order to be one of the greatest, you have to be fair and prove yourself to be worthy. But he cheated his fans, his team and the rest of the MLB. This may have been a confidence issue, I would guess that he just did not believe in himself and looked down upon himself. The time-span of A-Rod using steroids was 2001-2003, which makes it even more disappointing to know that he won his only two golden gloves in the years 2002 and 2003. :\

And I believe that his impoverished upbringing could have been a factor, this would make Alex lose faith in himself being raised in a different country and being "Not white" as opposed to other people. But as a Dominican-American, it's his duty to do the best he can WITHOUT P.E.Ds and take it step by step on the stairway to The Hall Of Fame. ^_^ So yes, I believe he was not justified to using these steroids or ANY banned substance from the MLB.

t-t-tiickled PINK

Travis Price and David Shepherd showed respect, empathy and kindness when they saw bullies harass a grade nine on his first day for wearing a pink polo at Central Kings Rural high school.

David and Travis came up with a plan too buy a whole bunch of pink shirts and emailed his friends to wear a pink shirt the next day at school, and they were flabbergasted at how many people came to school wearing pink.

The boys showed their whole school that being a boy and wearing pink doesn't mean your gay, it means your wearing a shirt. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or girl, you should be able to wear a shirt of any colour and not be insulted for wearing it. The area of equity adressed here would be gender.


I have read the article "boy tickled pink T-shirt campaign",and in short what i have to say about it. In my opinion the students who helped the grade nine student were right in what they did.

The students were right in what they did because everyone deserves to wear what they want and if they had not done what they did the bullies would have bullied other people in the future. Also because the boy who was bullied would feel safe in his learning environment,which is important so he is able to focus on his school work, because the bullies would not bother him again. The last reason why they were right in what they did is because they dealt with the problem in a very good way and made things better by working together rather than using violence to try to solve the problem themselves(which would have made things worse).

This shows that teamwork works and you can solve any problem you have without using violence! This is why i think the students who helped the grade nine student,(who wore pink to school which was the root of the problem), were right.

What is it about pink?

I think that the bullies were VERY rude and what they did to the student was totally inappropriate. I also think that it was childish to label someone because of what they are wearing.

To label someone as homosexual because of a pink shirt is very childish. It was very unfair to the student to be named that, and for the bullies to threaten to beat the student up was unbelievable. To tell someone that they are going to harm them because of a shirt was inappropriate, because they are forshadowing that they are going to inflict harm upon the student. The bullies should be punished for all the wrong that they have done to the student.

I am glad that there are student that care for others. People like David Shepherd and Travis Price should be in every school. They are leaders. ithink that they were right to help the student cause if no one was doing anything, the student may be getting beat to this very day. These boys had saved the student from a lifetime of pain. I was happy that these young men were able to work so fast to spread the word and get the whole school helping out.

As said by David Shephard about the victim, "Definitely it looked like there was a big weight lifted off his shoulders. He went from looking right depressed to being as happy as can be." They did a very nice thing for the victim and was praised by it. They wanted the bullying to stop and they handled it in a positive way.

Wear Pink

David Sheppard and Travis Price were right in what they displayed at school and to the public. David and Travis didn’t want the grade 9 boy to be bulled for the next four years so they took action. Instead of telling there parents or an adult, they started a T-shirt campaign. So David and Travis bought 50 pink shirts, including tank tops to wear to school, the next day. I think David Shepherd and Travis Price wanted the grade 9 boy to have a fair learning experience at the school. I think they only reason why the two grade 12 bullies were bulling the grade 9 was because they probably got bulled for wearing a different color shirt in grade 9. So then they bullied the grade 9 so he knows how they felt when they were wearing a different color shirt. I think the bullies should have respected the grade 9’s shirt or even him.

I think David and Travis’ main character trait is responsibility, because if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have taken the responsibility to do the T-shirt campaign. Also they spent there time sending emails to everyone in the school and called everyone in the school. I think another character trait is respect. They respected the grade 9 boy like how they would want to get treated. Even though he wasn’t homosexual, they respected what he was. David and Travis also respect him wearing a pink shirt because a color doesn’t mean anything to them.

I think there were a lot of areas of equity being show. Being gay isn’t a crime, if that was how he wanted to show his homosexuality, that was his right and his decision and no one should’ve done something about it. Even though the grade 9 student wasn’t gay the bullies still picked on him because of the pink shirt he was wearing. These days no one is going to call anyone gay for wearing a pink shirt not because they are less of a man but they respect what others wear.

P ! N K

In an incident two Nova Scotian students helped out a grade nine student being bullied because of what he wore. The students names were David Shepard and Travis Price, who helped the grade nine students from being bullied by two grade 12 students because he was wearing a pink shirt, which they tought was not for men, and was considered "gay" and they kept on harassing him and calling him a "fag". So they decided to start a campaign, in which on 1 day of the school year, everyone would wear pink. They told everyone to wear pink on Facebook, and called them. The next day, almost everyone wore pink, leading to a full fledged campaign. And the miorities of the students that didn't wear pink were handed out dollar store pink tank tops. I belive that the bullies did a wrong thing, by classifying the kid because he wore a pink shirt, which is just wrong, it doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what you wear, or what you listen to. We are all the same.


Alex Rodriguez, born July 27 1975, he was born in New York City. People call him A-Rod for short. He was one of the best players in the MLB. He played third base for the New York Yankees and he is number 13. Alex Rodriguez was caught using steroids, when he was tested and was positive. Alex Rodriguez did something he shouldn’t have done. Alex Rodriguez used steroids because he wanted other players and fans to see him do amazing things. But overall it’s not fair for the game of baseball and the players. He thinks without using steroids no one can be athletic or do anything sportive in life. So many baseball players worked very hard to play the game, but Alex Rodriguez just used steroids and got MVP.

I think Alex Rodriguez should take responsibly for his own actions. I think one of the seasons why he used steroids was because at the time he didn’t have fans or any respect. I guess after he used steroids he became more famous and he got respect from others. I don’t think everyone in the world is perfect, but I don’t think he should have taken steroids just to get athletic or even fame. I think if Alex Rodriguez thinks about what he did I think he would know it’s wrong and if he got another chance he would do the right thing.

I think if anybody in baseball or even other sports didn’t use steroids or other drugs that make you play better or make you become an athletic, would be better in every sport. I think everyone should play fair and work hard at what ever they do. Instead of cheating they way threw. Meaning they should take the stairs even if it takes so long, instead of taking the elevator, that goes/takes very fast.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I found the article pretty interesting because I would not have done what David Shepherd and Travis Price did to stand up for the grade nine student. David Shepherd and Travis Price at the Central Kings Rural High School displayed respect, responsibility, and teamwork.

A grade nine student wore a pink polo shirt on the first day of school and the older students bullied the student and threatened to beat him up, they also called him names. David and Travis decided to do something about this and teamed up to hold a pink day, they bought 50 pink tank tops and shirts. They also went online and sent emails, and asking other students to join them in their anti-bullying campaign that they named the "Sea of Pink".

David and Travis’ actions might have stopped bullying at not only their school, but others across the globe as well.

The bullies lacked all the character traits that David and Travis had shown. They did not show empathy, especially because they began threatening the grade nine. They also did not show responsibility, as one of the older students, they should not have shown the younger students that type of behavior. It should NOT matter if a boy wear a certain color, and they should NOT be called gay, or unmanly.

Davis and Travis respected the grade nine student by sticking up for him, they were also being responsible by making sure that everyone else knew that they don't want fellow students to be bullied, they set an example to the other younger students in their school. They also showed teamwork by working together and by setting a plan to getting most of the school involved. The two grade 12 boys were also displaying leadership, by taking charge and making sure that many people would know that bullying hurts not only one person but also the others around them. They made sure that everyone knows that both guys AND girls can wear whatever they want, no matter the color, and they shouldn’t be called names for wearing what they decide to wear. They also proved that you could change the way someone judges a book’s cover.

I Was Tickled P!NK

    I had heard the, "Tickled pink T-shirt campaign" before, but I didn't know the story behind it. Two courageous boys Travis Price and David Shepherd showed, respect, responsibility, empathy and kindness for a grade 9 student in their school.

   A grade 9 boy at their school wore a pink shirt on the first day and older kids in the school called him names, like homosexual and gay. Travis and David knew that they could not let this problem persist, so they decided to help the boy by holding a Pink Day. Travis and David respected their fellow student by standing up for him, they were also very responsible because it is the duty of an older student to set an example for the younger students. The two boys also had empathy for the grade 9 student because they believe that no one should be bullied for the clothes they wear.

    You need a lot of courage to be able to stand up for some one you don't know, which also calls for kindness. The bullies that teased the boy did not have any of the character traits that Travis and David possessed. They did not care about the boys feelings or set a good example for the younger students. The bullies had a common stereotype about boys who wear pink and that drove them to have negative behaviour.

    An area of equity that is being addressed here is sexual orientation. Many people believe if you're a boy you can only wear colours like, blue, green, etc. but in the world that we, the young open-minded people of this generation want to create for our children and the generation after us, no child should or could be penalized for something as trivial as the colour of shirt they where.
It takes a REAL MAN to wear PINK!

Tickled Pink :P

         When David Shepherd and Travis Price saw a grade nine boy being bullied because he just happened to be wearing pink, they bought 50 pink shirts and told everyone to wear pink the next day. I agree with what David and Travis did, and I think it showed a lot of people that standing up for what you believe in can have significant effects. They showed that it doesn't matter what color shirt you wear, everyone can choose their own style of clothing. Also, just because a boy wears pink, it does not mean he is gay. If you have a strong negative opinion about something you should act against it, and not care what others might think. 

       David and Travis were right in what they did because they stood up for something they strongly believed in, and by doing that, helped a younger student feel better. They showed everyone that it does not matter what type, or color of clothes people wear because it is not who they are. Clothes do not represent a person's personality, and i think it is stupid to assume they do. 

       David Shepherd and Travis Price showed almost all of the character traits when they decided to help the grade nine boy. They showed responsibility, empathy, kindness & caring, teamwork, and co-operation. By helping the boy, they proved that with teamwork and co-operation anything is possible. David and Travis showed amazing leadership and sent the message that everyone, girls AND boys, are free to wear whatever color of clothes they want, even pink. 

.·´¯`·->HØN€§T¥ -__-

I believe that honesty is the most important characteristic of all. I think this because everyone wants friends that are truthful to them. One of the most important elements in any friendship is the ability to trust and be trusted. Without your trust in your friends; they would lose all faith in you. Without honesty, there is no foundation upon which to form a friendship. It mostly is not about telling the truth, but it's actually about what would make you a better person. But, sometimes you do not want to be too honest that the extent of where you are making a friend feel bad or disheartened, that's where constructive-criticism, could hopefully come in handy. Some people are blind to see they are dishonest and yet feel good about themselves. This means they can't even trust each other for making proper judgments. Honesty brings out qualities of a person that is unforgettable.
David Shepherd and Travis Price did something that no one might have thought of help the student who was bullied. They showed the bullies that doing something out of the ordinary is not something to make fun of. They were right in what they did for a few reasons.

They raised the bullied student's morale by supporting him. The student was probably not feeling his best at that time and what David and Travis did completely overwhelmed him. To see other students supporting him and showing him that there was nothing wrong in wearing pink helped him to come out of his misery and renewed his self-esteem.

David and Travis's actions should have stopped bullying of that kind in their school. The bullies would have been outnumbered and shocked at the amount of support that the grade 9 student received. It showed the bullies what unity does and why being different is not wrong. The bullies and any other people who bully would not want another situation like this, so the amount of bullying incidents would reduce.

They showed respect for the bullied student's feelings. They appreciated the fact that someone would do something different and not see anything wrong with it. They also helped the bullied student see that there isn't anything wrong in being or doing something different. This helped relieve the grade 9 student and he won't feel alone or secluded anymore.

.·´¯`·->Ti¢k£€Ð Þ¡nk -__-

Two 12th grade boys taking action and creation such a moment for helping a 9th grader who they don't know because he got picked on for wearing a pink shirt to school. I, just as everyone else, saw this event as "mind-blasting." There are many words to describe the behavior of these two students; I would say that gallant would be one. This word means to be brave, noble-minded and courageous in some ways.

Travis and David showed lots of empathy for the ninth grade student and it easily shows because they felt what this student was going through, with confidence; they each thought enough was enough. They showed responsibility when they took this situation as their duty to help the boy. Not only did they display respect and empathy as individuals but displayed effort as a team with the entire school by getting all (or most) to participate in this occasion. They, whether or not the boy was homosexual, treated him with significance and did an immense favour in his name.

Sexual orientation is being concentrated on as one of the areas of equity. The bullies thought just because he was wearing pink, he was queer or a fag or ‘not masculine’. What is pink? Pink is just a colour, it does not identify if you’re a girl neither does it does it show which gender you prefer. The only thing it may fathom would be your choice of colour. You like it? Then wear it. You don’t like it? Then don’t wear it. It’s really that simple.

By doing this “Sea of Pink” event, not only did these two students make this ninth grade newcomer glad, but taught a lesson to the dim-witted, disrespectful bullies, and to everyone informed about this heroic undertaking. 

Monday, February 16, 2009


I picked honesty because in my opinon I thought it was the most important.Another reason why I picked honesty was because it also leads to all of the other character traits.Honesty is really important because without it there is no trust and without trust there is no believing in the honesty and reliability of others.Being honest is important because it can make you feel good.You feel good when you have nothing to worry about and everything is all out in the open.It gives you freedom.Its about taking care of yourself and your conscience. When you lie, you're doing yourself bad and devaluing your own integrity.Honest is also important because it is a part of who you are.Are you trustworthy?Are you one who can be depended on?Being honest is a correct way for a person to act or behave.Honesty is important because people will actually belive you when you are doing a duty for them.The more truthful a person is the more respect they get.The more respect they get the better. Without honesty, you can't really say for sure that you have anything at all.Without trust, every word you say is meaningless.Honesty is everything!


Pink is for real men. >:{D

What Travis and David did showed they had some guts and proved that even men are allowed to wear the colour pink, or any other colour of the rainbow, (Pink isn't a colour of the rainbow, its a shade of red, but still, somewhere in the lines) and even non-homosexuals where it, because it looks pretty, and no one should get bullied only because of the colour of your shirt. Its a disgrace to everyone who loves pink, just because the bullies thought it wasn't masculine or man enough to be a colour(Its like being racist to colours! D:). They also probably didn't know the student, since well, the victim was a freshmen, and the heroes were the seniors. It shows that even though you don't know the person, you still stick up for whats right.

The reasons in a simpler form: 1) Bullying is un-acceptable, that's probably one of the reasons why Travis and David did what they did. 2) Colours as Stereotypes. Its a silly thing to beat up someone for, just because you're wearing a certain colour, doesn't mean you're trying to represent some type of personality. 3) Showing that anyone can stand up for what they believe in. If you know its wrong, YOU HAVE A VOICE, USE IT.

All the colors of the rainbow are pretty, don't bash them!
The people on halo 3 seem to agree with me. XD
Now thats a real man.
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