Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I think the bullies were wrong in doing what they did because it was unfair, immature, and unkind.

Some reasons why i think the bullies are being unfair is because they didn't give the grdae nine boy a chance to show how he bahaves around people. They didn't even consider the fact that he could be very nice and considerate. It isn't like he did anything to the bullies.

I think they were being immature because, they assumed that since teh grade nine boy was wearing pink, he was gay. Even if he was gay, that would be his own business and no one else. Beating people up because of what the bullies assumed was really inconsiderate. Even if they had a problem with him wearing this coulour, they should have kept the thought to themselves.

A couple reasons why I think the bullies are unkind is because they beat him up for no particular reason. The grade nine boy wasn't even gay, but the bullies didn't give him time to explain himself. Not that he should have to explain himself to anyone for wearing what he was.

I think that bullying the nineth grader for wearing a pink shirt is like a girls going to another girl and calling her a "lesbo" for having a boyish haircut. What the bullies have displayed is disrespect for this grade nine boy and all gay people.

1 comment:

  1. Very intelligent, well thought out post Halle! Your examples and reasoning are great. This is very well constructed opinion piece. Well done!
