Thursday, February 19, 2009

Alex the baseball dood :D

Alex Rodriguez was a great baseball player who was very well liked. He was also a very good sport and always played the game for the love of it. Sadly it was proven that Alex had been using steroids. This gave many people a great shock and disappointed many fans. The only thing Alex could do was apologize to everyone for what a stupid mistake he made. Although I agree with what he said, that it was a stupid mistake, I don't necessarily blame everything on Alex. Yes, we was young and stupid, and it was a mistake, but he was definitely influenced poorly. Over 100 other baseball players did the same so I think Alex might have been suggested the choice of steroids, or worse, encouraged.

I believe Alex did his body no favour in using steroids. He could have been just as good without the drug, maybe even better. I understand that he was new back then and thought he needed the steroids, but i think that his confidence didn't need that. After using the steroids, he thought he wasn't good enough himself and needed the help of drugs. But he could have easily trained harder. Not only could he have gotten better through his strengths AND weaknesses, Alex would have gotten his body stronger. These steroids damage your body and I am a bit glad they found out so Alex wouldn't hurt himself anymore..

But I think that this choice of action didn't help much in the end. He was a pretty good player because of the steroids but now that he stopped, his games have become a bit shabby. Instead of his scores increasing each year, they've become worse. I think that if Alex would have done baseball normally he would have gotten better not worse.

This is why I believe Alex should not have done the steroids.

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