Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wear Pink

David Sheppard and Travis Price were right in what they displayed at school and to the public. David and Travis didn’t want the grade 9 boy to be bulled for the next four years so they took action. Instead of telling there parents or an adult, they started a T-shirt campaign. So David and Travis bought 50 pink shirts, including tank tops to wear to school, the next day. I think David Shepherd and Travis Price wanted the grade 9 boy to have a fair learning experience at the school. I think they only reason why the two grade 12 bullies were bulling the grade 9 was because they probably got bulled for wearing a different color shirt in grade 9. So then they bullied the grade 9 so he knows how they felt when they were wearing a different color shirt. I think the bullies should have respected the grade 9’s shirt or even him.

I think David and Travis’ main character trait is responsibility, because if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have taken the responsibility to do the T-shirt campaign. Also they spent there time sending emails to everyone in the school and called everyone in the school. I think another character trait is respect. They respected the grade 9 boy like how they would want to get treated. Even though he wasn’t homosexual, they respected what he was. David and Travis also respect him wearing a pink shirt because a color doesn’t mean anything to them.

I think there were a lot of areas of equity being show. Being gay isn’t a crime, if that was how he wanted to show his homosexuality, that was his right and his decision and no one should’ve done something about it. Even though the grade 9 student wasn’t gay the bullies still picked on him because of the pink shirt he was wearing. These days no one is going to call anyone gay for wearing a pink shirt not because they are less of a man but they respect what others wear.

1 comment:

  1. Nivash! WOW! You have really impressed me with this! Keep up the fantastic work!
