Thursday, February 19, 2009


Alex Rodriguez, baseball player, 3 MVP award winner, and a lier? The New York Yankees third baseman admitted on using steroids (preformance enchancing drugs) during his 2001-2003 career, when he was in the Texas Rangers. When asked why he would do such a thing, A-FRAUD responded in saying,"Back then it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young. I was stupid," Rodriguez said. "I was naive, and I wanted to prove to everyone that, you know, I was worth, you know — and being one of the greatest players of all time." quoted directly from his interview with ESPN. One of the biggest scandals of sports history, is right now.

I belive that the consequences for A-ROD on other players in the MLB (Major League Baseball) is alot. From now, all the exceptionally good players will be accused of using steroids, and alot of tests will be made for all players, no exceptions. Also, alot of fans of the MLB will lose interest because they will think the League has let it's players loose. Just because of one money, and rank greedy player the whole league will suffer. Also, the fans of A-FRAUD will think that sterioids can get you to the top, pracitice means nothing, and just buy injecting a substance into your body you can play better than everyone else. Which is completely wrong. He should be punished for his actions and just lacked some very important character traits.

A-FRAUD lacked many character traits in making his desicsion in using sterioids. The first, is HONESTY. I belive this because he was not HONEST at admitting that he took steroids before in the past, (in the CBC's show 60 minutes, when he said "no", when asked if he ever used steroids, human growth hormone, or any other preformance-enchancing substances.) Even though he admitted on using steroids, he still took too long, and abused the fact that people trusted him. Another trait he lacked was responsibility, because he was not taking responsibilty of what he did, and taking a banned substance to reach the top in the first place. If everyone is climbing a ladder to the top, you don't take the elevator, and cheat everyone else that had been working hard, that is just disrRESPECTful, and like everyone says, to get RESPECT, you need to give it. Last, but not least A-FRAUD lacked the character trait RESPECT, because he cheated everyone by using steroids, and didn't care about the other players. He just cheated everyone out of their rights to reach the top.

The A-FRAUD scandal has been a big one. I hope the League doesn't forgive A-FRAUD because he "admitted" on taking drugs, I believe it doesn't matter if he confessed, he has done wrong and should be convicted. I don't even think the League should shorten his sentence because he only confessed after SPORTS ILLUSTRATED reported that he had been tested postitive for 2003. So he just confessed so he could have a shorter sentance which should not be given. If the League forgives A-FRAUD, not only baseball players and major-league players will try steroids for the benefits, but MLB will be tainted forever, and people will belive that cheating, does pay.


  1. I belive, this deserves 1'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000%.

  2. so, where you get the titlte from ali?

  3. Can't make your own title, can't spell support

  4. ah good job ali.You had really good paragraphs. Also, using a-fraud countless times :D it was like you were trying to get sum1 mad.. i wonder who.. XD
