Wednesday, February 18, 2009


An incident happened to Nova Scotian student by getting bullied because he wore a pink shirt to school. Luckily there were two grade 12s that went against the bullies and helped the rookie out by making a "Wear Pink to School Day". These two grade 12s names were David Shepard and Travis Price. The bullies called the freshman names like "fag", "gay", "homo", etc. David and Travis made a day for all students to wear a pink shirt and if they forgot to wear a pink shirt, they would bring some just incase. They even posted this on Facebook so they can get more volunteers for this special event. I beileve that they did wrong by judging a man by the clothes they wear. Everyone should not be treated by what they look like, they should be treated by how they act like.


  1. This is a great start, Ashir! Remember that opinion pieces need to be more than one paragraph. Good start!

  2. Thanks you ms. roach, I'll keep that in mind the next time I blog.
