Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Was Tickled P!NK

    I had heard the, "Tickled pink T-shirt campaign" before, but I didn't know the story behind it. Two courageous boys Travis Price and David Shepherd showed, respect, responsibility, empathy and kindness for a grade 9 student in their school.

   A grade 9 boy at their school wore a pink shirt on the first day and older kids in the school called him names, like homosexual and gay. Travis and David knew that they could not let this problem persist, so they decided to help the boy by holding a Pink Day. Travis and David respected their fellow student by standing up for him, they were also very responsible because it is the duty of an older student to set an example for the younger students. The two boys also had empathy for the grade 9 student because they believe that no one should be bullied for the clothes they wear.

    You need a lot of courage to be able to stand up for some one you don't know, which also calls for kindness. The bullies that teased the boy did not have any of the character traits that Travis and David possessed. They did not care about the boys feelings or set a good example for the younger students. The bullies had a common stereotype about boys who wear pink and that drove them to have negative behaviour.

    An area of equity that is being addressed here is sexual orientation. Many people believe if you're a boy you can only wear colours like, blue, green, etc. but in the world that we, the young open-minded people of this generation want to create for our children and the generation after us, no child should or could be penalized for something as trivial as the colour of shirt they where.
It takes a REAL MAN to wear PINK!


  1. Woah Kara good job! Your totally right, it does take a real man to wear pink :D -slaps Kara with a wet fish- :D
