Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pink = Gay ??

Discrimination is frequently based on class or category rather than personal value. The present world is always discriminating one and other. For instance, September 18th 2007, a grade 9 boy was physically beaten by older boys, for the colour of his shirt. Two senior boys had seen this and took action.

The bullies were wrong in what they did. There are three reasons why. The bullies did not welcome, support or appreciate the boy who wore pink. As an older student they should have welcomed the boy who is new to the school. They should have made him feel like he did belong in that school, instead of making him feel like this school hates him. The bullies did not appreciate him for being true to himself and wearing what he wants too. They did not want this boy to be appreciated by anyone. They should have supported him they way the two grade 12 boys did. They should have supported him with his decision to wear pink. However, they did not do this.

David Shepherd and Travis Price did the right thing. They took action. They welcomed, supported and appreciated the boy who wore pink. They understood that this boy had taken a stand and wore whatever he wanted too. They also saw what the bullies did too him and they supported him. They did this by organizing a huge amount of students to also wear pink. This was very generous of the boys to do. I am sure that the boy who wore pink, felt like he belonged and was appreciated.

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