Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In my opinion the behavior of the bullies was extremely inappropriate toward the grade nine student, they judged his sexuality according to the colour of his shirt that’s just disrespectful, and they made him feel bad about it. Even if he was a homosexual it shouldn’t affect them in anyway there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual, it’s a personal choice and it shouldn’t matter to anyone else.

What David and Travis did was tremendously kind; they felt sympathetic for the student and decided to take action. By standing up for what they believe in they showed a lot of responsibility, and courage. It was their decision to help or not and they did which shows that they’re both kind and caring people.

They took the time and effort in to planning something out for the next day, they didn’t have to buy all those pink shirts but they did and they got all their friends involved. This was where teamwork came in, most of the students helped out to make a difference.

Travis a David were also respectful, they could have gone up to the bullies and called them names or said disrespectful things, but they were smart, they knew that calling them names wouldn’t leave a difference between the bullies and them. So instead they showed the bullies that there’s nothing wrong with wearing a pink shirt, a colour doesn’t decide what a person is or what their categorized as. Even if someone’s different that’s their choice and people should learn to respect that.

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