Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is it about pink?

I think that the bullies were VERY rude and what they did to the student was totally inappropriate. I also think that it was childish to label someone because of what they are wearing.

To label someone as homosexual because of a pink shirt is very childish. It was very unfair to the student to be named that, and for the bullies to threaten to beat the student up was unbelievable. To tell someone that they are going to harm them because of a shirt was inappropriate, because they are forshadowing that they are going to inflict harm upon the student. The bullies should be punished for all the wrong that they have done to the student.

I am glad that there are student that care for others. People like David Shepherd and Travis Price should be in every school. They are leaders. ithink that they were right to help the student cause if no one was doing anything, the student may be getting beat to this very day. These boys had saved the student from a lifetime of pain. I was happy that these young men were able to work so fast to spread the word and get the whole school helping out.

As said by David Shephard about the victim, "Definitely it looked like there was a big weight lifted off his shoulders. He went from looking right depressed to being as happy as can be." They did a very nice thing for the victim and was praised by it. They wanted the bullying to stop and they handled it in a positive way.

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