Saturday, February 21, 2009

pinkiiieeee ~~

I think that the two grade 12 student is right to stand up for the grade 9 boy .If they hadn't stand up for the boy , bullies won't stop bullying him the grade 9 boy.i think that the bullies is wrong .you can't judge people by how they look.

I think two of the grade 12 student were kind, caring, empathy and respect.They were kind to help the grade 9 boy. They also respected the boy who where pink T-shirt .They said the grade 9 boy was gay.The bullies also lack respect to the poor boy, make fun of him just because he wore a pink T-shirt to school.

They are also immature to treat people that way.I am glad that there is someone who have the gut , to stand up for the grade 9 student, even the grade 9 boy is not their friend.You don't have the qualification to judge people people what the look.Respect other, and other will respect you too.

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