Thursday, February 12, 2009

A - ro"i"d and an A-Fraud

Alex Rodriguez was not at all justified in taking steroids. While it's a great thing that he came out and confessed so quickly, it should not pardon any punishment. He did something that was very immoral, and he shouldn’t have done it. A-Rod lacked many character traits. Sure, he was young, stupid, and naive, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he cheated in the game of baseball. He cheated against baseball, his fans, his players, and himself. He’s telling his fans, or now “ex-fans”, that without steroids you can’t succeed in life or become an athlete. It affected the MLB league a lot because they lost fans after Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids. They had to make excuses to cover up his actions so this issue didn’t become a shame to baseball. The players witnessed A-Rod get all the glory and win MVP. The players had to work hard, while Alex just used the elevator all the way up to fame.

A-Rod was definitely lacking responsibility, perseverance and respect. He needed to be a man and accept all responsibility for his actions in the past and take all responsibility going forward. Perseverance is when a person finishes what they have started, even when it is difficult. They don’t give up when they’re faced with challenges or obstacles. They always complete all tasks and assignments to the best of their ability. Alex Rodriguez defies all that I have said. The reason I didn’t say that he did not lack honesty was because everybody isn’t perfect, and everybody makes mistakes, but it’s how you react to those mistakes and how you carry on, that’s really important. Alex Rodriguez was honest about him taking steroids.

Putting that aside, it's the equity issue that gets me. In every other major sport, a team can't buy a spot in the playoffs. In baseball, as the Yankees and Red Sox have thoroughly demonstrated, it isn't possible to purchase a World Series championship, but it is pretty close to being able to guarantee a regular shot in the playoffs. After hearing many opinions on this issue, I believe that it was Rodriguez’s decision to take steroids and it is his responsibility to take care of his own situation, so that others won’t be in jeopardy in the future.


  1. 100% man, just great, this is what we need in GLS. C'mon, give this guy a standing ovation.

  2. Another good post! Thanks Shangara! Well thought out.

  3. yea nice job, too bad mine is gonna be better

  4. yo guys check out student gone pink??? i herd its even better

  5. i belive, A-ROD to A-FRAUD is not the same title as A- ro"i"d to an A-Fraud, nice try to make it the same...
