Thursday, February 12, 2009

In related news UPDATED (with assignment)

Talk about a lack of character! Alex Rodriguez has admitted to using steriods:

Not only did Rodriguez use steriods, but he lied about two years ago on 60 minutes. Some argue that he was one of many, and thus needed to use steriods to compete, and that partially excuses his behaviour. Others have argued that the pressure he was under to be successful, his impoverished upbringing being a factor, could possibly excuse his behaviour. Others say that there is absolutely no excuse for cheating and lying.

Questions to think about:
1) What are the consequences of A-Rod's actions on others players, his fans, and the MLB league?
2) What character traits was A-Rod lacking in making his decision to use steriods?
3) Is there an equity issue at play here? If so, what is the equity issue and why should it be considered?


In your opinion, was A-Rod at all justified in using steriods? In a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion, give three reasons why or why not you feel Alex Rodriguez was justified in using steroids.

We will discuss this next class when we are in the computer lab. Keep working on the pink shirt post! Your response to this post is due next Friday

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